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These Visionary art themes that are universal and speak to any heart upon their path of Awakening.  Throughout all his visionary art you will find the nature of Co-Creation inherent, as this is the Theme of Life – sacred relationship, collective stewardship, active participation with Source.  Each visionary art painting may be received as a living altar or sacred gateway, and indeed make for powerful images to place at your altar or space of meditation for recurring memory of your Perfect Ascended Nature.

Becoming a Divine Human and turning on the Lightbody requires an integrative synthesis of our walk of mastery in the world with an unwavering listening and directive from our Soul’s Intelligence.  It is from this state of spiritual definition that we can journey through the upper branches of our own Cosmic Tree and make tangible our Lightbody. Group Ceremonies are used to ensure the new holographic template for spiritually embodied living lands all the way into the cellular structure.
The intention in his more extensive seminars is eliciting sustained harmonics of thought, will and consciousness that shall permanently advance you through your evolutionary Design.  DNA activation and Lightbody awareness are key in these programs. Lightbody is the part of your body which is totally impeccable. Activation of Lightbody will aid you in healing your physical body.

This is Joey Fatone as a story writer about DNA Activation, Healing music, Visionary art, Lightbody. This will be very helpful for other, who wants to visit

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