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faithfulness to their magical arts have required us to charge only the equivalent of a few hours of earnings for average people!

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An awesome, elderly, magical lady, who is a descendant of the Mayan civilization, makes these handmade bags of Mayan Worry Dolls according to the ancient Mayan legend, and we sell those as well! These Worry Dolls or Trouble Dolls, which were developed by her ancestors, are extremely powerful in attracting good luck! She is also in agreement of the “reasonable price” policy!

The Mayan Worry Dolls are another extremely powerful, triple-strength, ritually-charged Good Luck Attracting Amulet which can have an amazing effect on the lives of those who obtain them! They may ward off evil, jinxes, negativity, and help you lose weight, quit a bad habit, find a lover, win money, get a new job, and so forth!

You Can Order Both The Indian Medicine Bag And The Mayan Worry Dolls By Clicking Here!   You will save money by getting the combo and there’s FREE shipping!

Modern day laws require saying that items like these are for entertainment purposes only, however, you will be amazed at the extremely effective power that these two Good Luck Amulets have,

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