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Holistic Health Care ? Metaphysical Healing Mission

In an increasingly fast-paced society, many of us take the easy path of self-neglect and procrastination think we get along good because we feel comfortable. Fast-food advertising dance in our heads than to keep the solution to our ever-more demanding races. Only later did we climb for a practitioner in time of need … Mildred Carter, one of the pioneers of reflexology, explains in her book “Body Reflexology” when we pain throughout the body, even the slightest hint of aPain, it is the body method to be a signal to you, and you wiped out and touched to prevent future illness, although the actual dis-ease can be disposed of complaints away from the original site … “

Prevention is far superior for health care than the treatment of disease or diseases is in progress. This is not to say that the illness or dis-ease can not be eliminated – it can, but it creates a feeling of fear and vulunerability which the disease or aggravateddis-ease. This is the reason why the rapid resolution of symptoms are the staple food for traditional medicine.

With adequate support and adequate care of the body can heal itself. As Louise Hay says in her book “Heal Your Body” … no matter how much appear to be their predicament, when I KNOW they are willing to do the mental work for the release and the consequences thereof, you could almost all be cured. The word “incurable” that is so frightening to so many people really just means that theIn particular, it can not be read ‘cured outer’ methods, and we

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