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History Of Wicca

The history of wicca is a very interesting topic.  Mainly due to the controversy surrounding this religion in modern years.  The histoy of wicca haecvdp and shrouded with innuendo and lies.  We at are trying to set the facts straight.  We will work very hard to make sure the history of wicca is known. Wicca effectively began with a man named Gerald Gardner in the mid 20th century. Many people give the year 1954 as its inception, because this is when Gardner published Witchcraft Today. .

Gardner’s Wicca was initiatory, and Gardnerian Wicca continues to be so to this day – if you’re not a member, you can’t participate. You can’t even learn a great deal about them. Other initiatory Traditions also emerged, and Gardner embraced them as being branches of the Old Religion. Eventually, others started to emerge that claimed no formal membership in the Old Religion but who nevertheless followed and practiced its ways. All of these practices were bound up under the term witchcraft, which became synonymous with Wicca. Today, those terms are frequently separated, but who falls under what is still debated.

Wicca certainly bears the influence of older pagan (and non-pagan) traditions, but they are pieces – sometimes tiny pieces – fit together into new meanings and context. Evidence continues to be entirely lacking that anything like Wicca existed in ancient times, and it bears many marks of modern thought, such as the arrangement of Maid/Mother/Crone, which was first expressed in 1949. Was Gardner taught something by Dafo? Probably.

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