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the reason for tattooing is not always for the appreciation of tattoos as works of art. The music videos and movies on TV today are full of celebrities showing off their painted-on (!) tattoos. We have to admit that the power of the media to influence our mind is part of the reason that tattoos have become so important for the mainstream culture in the United States. Every teenager is considering having done a Britney Spears tattoo. But that doesn’t change the fact that the new generation believes in the expression of their own personality (not that of their parents). By digressing away from the trends of the older generation, the youth of today makes a stand.

On the other hand, we can also say that the increase of the information, available through TV, Internet, magazines and other media, has brought about a totally different appreciation for tattoos. They have become works of art. The more types and designs, the more tattoos became a form of decoration. They are not only beautiful, they can also be incredible, noble works of art, considering the fact that those “decorated” with tattoos have gone through pain to attain the beauty.

However, getting a tattoo is, still, an experience that many people refuse to go through. Sitting in the seat with that high sound in your ear for at least an hour is mind altering for many of us. But that doesn’t change the increasingly popular trend of tattooing. At least once a day, we hear someone speaking about getting a new tattoo.

So, if you are one of them, then don’t hesitate to look for tattoo designs on the specialized websites, check out the tattoos gallery and pick the latest online store.

Welcome to – Tattoo Gallery – We feature the best source for tattoo art designs, tattoo news and tattoo gallery created by the hottest tattoo artists from around the world.

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