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personal evolution. They are dependent upon “authority” figures that promise “the easy way” for their personal well-being. They accept all input coming from these authorities without first screening them with the rational mind. Beliefs and dogmas are accepted over facts and truths. This is subconscious conditioning or brain-washing and it de-empowers an individual. It is rather difficult for a person under such a condition to be aware of what is actually occurring to him. When faced with the truth these individuals get overly-defensive and would do anything in their power to stifle truth by destroying its promulgators. These individuals become fanatics and are often a danger to themselves and to society.

The subconscious mind seems to be a strong influence in most people. This subconscious preponderance, or the mind functioning in this particular mode whereby it is controlled by subconscious impulses is identified as “the bicameral mind” by Dr. Julian Jaynes in his book, “The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind.”

Spiritually, it is the conscious mind that has to be in control and the director of one’s life and not be enslaved by negative subconscious urges. Our conscious mind must, however, be attuned with the superconsciousness in order to acquire guidance and give creative and productive directions to the lower mind. The bicameral mind, or the subconscious mind is a terrible master but an excellent servant. The function of the subconscious mind is to take directions and orders from the conscious mind and to carry-out tasks that Nature has programmed into it. If these directions are not given by the conscious mind, then the sub-consciousness will take its orders from external sources,

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