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Creating Sacred Space – Let Nature Be Your Guide!

Are you in search of “down to earth” home decorating ideas that create an ambience of serene beauty, contemplation and inner peace? If so, the answer is revealed outside your doorstep! When stepping into nature and observing its myriad of colors, shapes, patterns and textures; decorating with elements of nature are “free” for the asking!

You can create an interior sanctuary when applying symbolism of nature’s elements: Earth, Air, Mineral, Wood, Nature, Water or Fire to the decorating style of your space. Element represents a season of the year, cardinal direction, color and textures. Element can even reflect a style, or in this case, a room theme! How does it work? Since Water represents the season of autumn, and is an element that evokes contemplation, introspection, repose and revitalization, let’s apply this element for our example!

To create a decorating plan that represents the Water element, you would start by developing a “Water” theme. Creating a color scheme that symbolizes this element would be the first phase of the theme. The element of Water symbolizes the colors blue and black. You can select fabrics, window treatments, carpets, vases, candles and other accessories in variations of blue and black. To create visual interest naturally reflected in water, you can marry up these colors in a variety of abstractual patterns of ocean waves and smooth silky sea textures.

The next phase is the selection of furniture. The element of Water is reflected in the furnishings you appoint to your space. Contemporary furnishings in glass will create the illusion of water. Furniture can represent fine, simplistic lines and contemporary styles depictive of the repose and relaxation of the sea.

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