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seems that when we astral travel we may communicate or be communicated with in either way, be it a common language or symbolism.

It also seems that we need to astral travel on daily basis, so that we may rejuvenate our physical, mental and spiritual energy.

We seem to be connected to the beyond whether we are spiritualists or just normal everyday laymen.

Ever since the dawn of humanity, Messengers and Prophets relied on astral journeys to perceive, relate and convey the Message of the ONE to all mankind.

Many of them journeyed upwards towards the heavens to communicate with higher beings, or the ultimate ONE.

Jesus referred to his journey as He walks in the valley of the shadow of death.

They all ascended and descended using astral travel, much like ordinary humans, only on a much higher level of consciousness.

Thoth once said that mankind is the child of light, maybe he is right…

What do we do when we astral travel and why do we do it?

We download our daily experience and activities into a universal hard drive, and we upload files and information related to our survival and continuity. Most, if not all inventions, where ideas perceived from other dimensions. Thoughts are not always generated in our minds from within; many of our thoughts are sought from the beyond.   Another Space-Time, and different dimensions.

Our universe is much like a huge computer, thoughts and ideas are stored and saved on drives, soft drives and hard drives, it lingers there until its caught and perceived by others from time to time, and from generation to generation. And we humans update our information and database and upgrade our files as we astral travel on daily basis.

Everything is

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