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Question by Jedi: Tarot: the tower and the death cards together in the same reading?
One following the other… Can it get any worst?

I know the meaning of these cards by the way, I’m just asking whether someone who has already gone through them so many times in recent years should have to keep on going through it time and time and again…

Like what’s the freaking point?

Tk u.
oh right, and now there’s the world too! Ai god.. whatever. How can the world have anything to do with the amazing and absolute destruction brought by those other 2 cards together? Because see I have been there already, so I know how it feels, the kind of tragedy and destruction it is, so how can the world card show up associated with it! What’s it gonna freaking be? While get together with this person from the past again, or not, after all?
@The logical g: Those are exactly the meanings I know, and allow me to say quite well indeed (and unfortunately from personal experience, as I already said) and it still doesn’t make any sense to me that these two could show up associated to the world card!

Best answer:

Answer by The Logical Genius
are sure you know the meaning of the cards .Im not going to open my cards from the book of Thoth. to many deaths in my family . I going to peek they been away for 5 years now. i stopped reading but i can tell you the death card is a major change new growth move on with life critical change of current life circumstances and the tower is major pressures sudden catastrophic opposition explosion of events building up cleansing actions . i didn’t read just gave you more meanings of the cards.

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One Response to Tarot: the tower and the death cards together in the same reading?

  • possession says:

    Well, whenever I see those two cards come up in a reading and I have had this happen for someone I’ve read before.
    It may not necessary be all as bad as it seems especially if you pulled the World card.
    I interpret those two cards as change. Death card does not necessarily mean a physical death but it is more so a transformation that is life changing: birth of a child, being from being single to married and that person may “mourn” some aspect of his or her life that was there previously.
    Tower may mean the change is dramatic all of a sudden, it sort of knocks us off our feet. Basically your “world” as you may know it may change. The changes may not always be bad but you may “mourn” what was there previously.
    Because it was a relationship question the relationship ended suddenly for you, it ended and a part of you still mourn for what was there so I would say that maybe the relationship ending was a positive aspect and the change was necessary for your growth but there is always free will and we can choose to accept it or not.

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