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When Things Dont Go As Planned

Ps 37:5 Commit thy way unto the LORD; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.

I am the type of person who likes to plan things to a certain point.  This past week proved to be very challenging for me.  Whenever I encounter a problem, I like to figure out a solution to the problem.  I realize that some things are outside of our control.  Psalms 37 says we can plan, but we must commit our way unto the Lord.  The next part of the verse says trust also in him.  Sometimes we plan our days without asking God what he would have us to accomplish that day.  There are many reasons our days do not go as planned.  Often times, we get distracted, or have unexpected events to occur; things that just knock us off track.      

Recently, I went to an area of a City I was not familiar with.  I map quested the directions to my destination and made it there okay.  But on the way back, I had to call for help as the directions could not get me back home.  The next day I had to make a second trip to the same location.  This time I had a GPS system.  The GPS system not only helped me get to my destination; but it helped me find my way back.  The Word of God is like a GPS system, it not only helps you to accomplish a task, but it provides life changing information should you need to “recalculate” your route.     

Psalm 37 provides wise steps to take as you face crises and decisions.  The Word of God brings eternal perspective and long term vision that prevents mistakes in short term decisions.  We are to trust in the Lord and do good.  We are to take delight in the Lord and to commit everything we have and do to him.  But how do we do this?  Committing ourselves to the Lord means: entrusting

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