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Question by Anonymous: How come sex as a virgin during marriage is so “magical”?
I really have to ask this question. I see so many people saying waiting till marriage is right and will make the experience magical. However, I don’t see how one could know, as you can’t be a virgin twice. I realize its a Christian ideal, as well as other religions, and I realize that it is wrong in that respect, but how can some people say its so super special to wait?
“it just means your commited. Its like a fist kiss. If they waited to have it with one person, its sweet.”

Sure on the outside looking in it seems like a sweet thing to do, but think about one person saving it and the other not. Does that mean one cared for the other more? There is no guarntee you will marry a virgin after all.

And if you have sex before marriage how is that any less important. You love many people through your life, and sex is just a way of physically showing that love (at least if you aren’t a dirt bag).

I’m a Christian, but the idea of premarital sex being a terrible thing slips my mind.
Connie S- I have known the girl I am currently dating for 5 years, since I was 14.

Frankly, I’m not trying to dignify myself, or try to make myself feel like I did the right thing, I just don’t understand the concept. Sex during marriage should be the same thing as sex before, assuming you are doing it as a physical show of love, and not just to get pleasure.

Best answer:

Answer by Pj
This really is just something that Christians use to encourage young people to wait until marriage to have sex. Whenever you do it, it will probably be a major let down.

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8 Responses to How come sex as a virgin during marriage is so “magical”?

  • Marisa says:

    i wouldn’t say that it is “magical” it just ummmm……smart i guess….you know making sure that you save your first time for someone that you know you love

  • Aman says:

    Waiting and having sex with sumone special after marriage is really magical, for which u have to wait until ur married and u’ll know the magic…..and the difference

  • XBR - 008 says:

    Yeah its true.. cz.. unseen view and an untouched feelings are always.. magical..
    its like you save all your desperateness and your emotions locked up till half of your life.. and den you exhibit them with a lawful and ethical manner.. thn your psyc gives you da feeling of “Da Majik”

  • Hugh J says:

    For the same reason that it is if you’re not married; it’s sex. On the matter of Christian beliefs, however, superficial little rules like that are akin the size of box you let yourself live in. Atheism runs free. Live free. Die free.

  • Dana M says:

    it just means your commited. Its like a fist kiss. If they waited to have it with one person, its sweet.

  • Pete says:

    I dont think there is anything magical about waiting. However, waiting until marriage or saving yourself for the one you will marry is a sign of you respecting yourself, and religions aside, is something safe to do, what with all the diseases going around and unwanted pregnancy s
    Perhaps it might give you and your prospective husband a feeling of extra intimacy.Something really special to remember between you.
    But Magical? nooo I would never go that far, in 98percent of couples the first time for the girl is painful, sometimes traumatic, a little messy, and a bit scary I would say. Based on personal experience, for myself, it also entailed feeling bad I hurt her, and about 45 minutes while she cried of me saying sorry…even though we were both really careful and slow, and used a lubricant it still hurt her…and oh .. .by the way, we did wait till we were married…:)

  • Connie S says:

    I would say waiting is best..your husband will put you on a pedistal for the rest of your life…at least that is what I was told. I regret not waiting, but it wasn’t the worst thing in the world either. As long as you love each other and you have known each other at least for 8 months or longer. just my opinion….

  • tommycat says:

    The only thing would be about it being special that it’s your wedding night and all that emotion tied into having sex with each other for the first time. Otherwise, virgin sex is not magical. My first time hurt me a lot and really sucked. NO pleasure out of it whatsoever.

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