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Celebrity Estate Jewelry

Back to ancient times bewitching jewelry has been used by both men and women to adorn their body.  From gemstones to crystals talismans and amulets adorned the body.  And thanks to the celebrities who have taken up this trend once again.  Metaphysical estate jewelry amulets and talismans are once again gaining popularity.  No let me rephrase that they are “hot!”

From ancient times right through to modern day amulets and talismans are worn for their metaphysical properties.  They are believed to possess special powers such as keeping one safe, improving ones mind, finding love, or warding off evil.  Each gem is believed to contain its own magical powers.

Crystals are used to energize and balance the body and it is perfect for meditation.  They are also known for their healing powers.  Pearls are believed to attract love.  Amber is believed to purify, while amber enhances intuition and the third eye.  

Diamonds release sexual tension while sapphires enhance friendship.  Carnelian awakens the senses and citrine promotes a happy disposition.  Emerald enhances dreams and enhances the spiritual body.  

Goldstone stores the energy of those it touches, while hematite enhances one intellectual qualities.  Jade balance and encourages wisdom and Lapis increases your awareness.  Jasper protects and has a calming effect.  The star sapphire enhances creativity, self confidence, and awareness.

Malachite balances emotionally and relieves stress, moonstone aligns the emotions, and obsidian removes negativity.  Opal is known to enhance intuition, peridot relaxes, pink opal activates inner healing, and rose quartz is considered the love stone.

Smokey quartz removes

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