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Question by stygean666: Can you help me find information on the Tarot?
I’m looking for a comprehensive history of the tarot and the cards of Major Arcana. Most of the info sites I’ve checked only give the meaning of the cards in a reading, but I need some back ground. Can any one help me?
Thanks squishy! I’m on my way there now. 🙂

Best answer:

Answer by Squishy
Disregard most of the history lections in books. To put it honestly, they are usually unsubstantiated beliefs.

All you really need to know is that they were originally a gmae brought with the gypsies, and later converted to a system of fortune telling, then later given mystical meaning.

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5 Responses to Can you help me find information on the Tarot?

  • LJR says:

    Try here

  • Jesus Rotted in a Roman Ditch says:

    Enough of these stupid tarot questions already

  • vid says:

    Read “78 Degrees of Wisdom” it is considered the Bible of the Tarot by many. There are some definitions in the book, but there’s a lot of information about the cards–more than definitions and better than any other book on the Tarot when not wanting just definitions. It’s a very comprehensive book. I would suggest buying it used off of amazon or ebay.

  • thecityoftownsville_2000 says:

    Tarot cards first appeared in northern Italy during the 15th century. They were used for card games similar to Bridge or Spades. Tarot games are played today in continental Europe. It wasn’t until the 18th century that Tarot cards were used in fortune telling and the occult.

  • Rev. Lynn D. says:

    The history of Tarot is simple. It began in the 15th century as a card game in various countries in Europe especially in Italy, France and England.

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