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Your Vision of a Perfect Vacation Rental?

Are you looking for a home away from home, somewhere you can gather your friends and family to reconnect? Consider a vacation rental.

Closeness in a family comes from acceptance. No family or friends are perfect and one of the best ways to really enjoy each other, or decide to never see each other again 🙂 …is to stay at a vacation rental together. Not only is it more affordable to share beds, burnt chicken and shampoo, but you get to share comradery.

Remember when you were a kid and you had to share the bottom bunk…not anymore. You choose the vacation rental, you choose the bed…king size if you like with linens made from 100% downy soft cotton sheets. If you’re feeling generous king beds all around, or perhaps you are on a budget, king for you, and bunks for whomever made you sleep on the bottom bunk.

There are so many vacation rental directories it can make your head spin, like Linda Blair in the Exorcist. The best way to research a vacation rental is to narrow your search. Try narrowing down the most important aspects of your vacation, for example, “Park City, UT , Old Town, sleeps 8, skiing, hot tub, wireless internet, walk to lifts,” using Google “I’m feeling lucky” search, this page came up directly,

Gorgeous! There are large photos, the home appeared clean and beautifully furnished. These homeowners care about their property and will be more inclined to care about me? Start with great expectations, half the fun of going on vacation can be exploring

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