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Wiccan Beliefs

Wiccans believe that Gods and Goddesses are real and an important vehicle through which a contact can be established with the cosmic power. The faith in these Gods and Goddesses allows the wiccans to tap into the higher magical power and direct it to make changes on a cosmic level. God and Goddess are seen as the yin and the yang, the two powers that bring a balance in nature. The God is the male half of the power source represented by the sun. The God is normally the horned God reflecting chaos, sexuality and nature. The female half the Goddess is the crone, the hag or the mother and she is represented by the moon. Some feminist witchcraft traditions see the Goddess as the only true power.

Wiccan beliefs are varied depending on which branch of Wicca you look at. Many wiccans believe that the Gods and Goddesses are simply different aspects of the one creator. This thought is similar to the Hindu religion. While the traditional wiccans hold a polytheistic view where they feel that the gods and goddesses are distinct deities in their own right. A Wiccan belief that is common to most branches of Wicca is that the god and goddess can be manifested through the High priest and High priestess through a ritual known as Drawing down the moon or the sun.

Wiccan belief is varied on the subject of after life. They concentrate on celebrating their current life and except for Samhain all festivals are dedicated to the joy of living. Similar to the Buddhist philosophy some wiccans believe that a soul is reborn on earth again and again until it attains nirvana. After a soul leaves earth it is believed that they rest in the otherworld until its time to be reborn. A few wiccans seek answers through these spirits resting in the

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