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outwardly. The leading party is always the active part of society. A revolution needs groundwork, durability and consistency of thoughts. In revolution some people will be our relatives but if they are sucking the blood of innocent people then their destiny is death. Death should be not misunderstood with bloodshed and killing but it means political, social and economical execution.

The downfall of humanity always starts from injustice. When a large group of people will stave, it means that we are depriving certain group to play active part in the development of society. Because these people will constantly be concerned about their source of revenue. Otherwise they could do some creative work. So the evolution of society will be stopped. When a competent part f society, having superior moral character and judgment power, overlooks their responsibilities so they will waste their time in some disgraceful activities. They will always butter up their ruler to get more and more. This is the start of paganism. It destroys the fine qualities of humanity. The Nature always destroys this kind of civilization and prepares the ground for dwelling of righteous people on ruins of that society.

Now if we come across at the early history of Islam, we will discover that at that time there were two powers in the world, one was Iran and second was Rome. A historian “Barzoma” writes in his book “Kalela Damna” about Iran in these words. “It seems that people have set aside truth. The stuff which is useful is not at hand and the existing stuff is ruinous. Lie is green and just is disgraced. Knowledge is considered inferior and thoughtlessness is measured superior. Hatred is famed and love is unfashionable. Corrupt are awarded and honest are isolated. The

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