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are usually list of word families—that is, the words included in the list have similar features such as a common syllable or sound. You can use these 1st grade spelling lists in helping your child practice his spelling skills. You can ask him to write short sentences using the words or you can ask him to read short stories that have these words. In that way, he’ll get familiar with how the words are pronounced and are spelled.

2. Books – Books are excellent ways for you to teach your child the basics in reading and spelling words. As your child reads, he gets familiar with the spelling of the words and the sound of each letter or combination of letters. You may read together with your child or let him or her read after you read each line or sentence. It would be best to use books with colorful illustrations so that your child can better understand the meaning of the words and consequently, the story.

3. 1st grade spelling dictionary – It would be fun to list all the words your child has learned every week or every month in a personal dictionary. Letting your child show how well he progresses can encourage him to learn more. Also, his personal dictionary can serve as his guide or reviewer so he would always remember the 1st grade spelling words he has earlier learned.

Dave Poon is an accomplished writer who specializes in the latest in education. For more information regarding 1st Grade spelling, please drop by at

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