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seen) and make Sadaqah profitable
That if you thank Allah, he will give you more…all of these and many more have been mentioned in the Qur`an.

That the Jews and Christians will never be pleased with you until you follow their religion and way of life.

That if you are conscious of Allah, He will give you a way out and provide for you from means that you never imagined.

These are all laws that we can observe and that are talked about in the Qur`an.
If they grow up with Yaqeen (true belief and conviction) in these metaphysical laws, they will be the bravest of men, because the apparent will not deter them…what is visible to the eye will not scare them…they will not be risk averse, rather they will leap off the most dangerous mountain, knowing that they will only be hurt if Allah wills it, they will jump into that deepest ocean, believing that if they are doing so for the sake of Allah then Allah will grant them victory over the waves. They will not be fooled by what seems to be reality because they will be aware that anything is possible if you have Allah on your side.

That is what this Ummah needs. A generation of people who have so much Iman in the sunan of Allah that they will take risks, they will dare to do what no one`s done before, they will be willing to go against the grain, unapologetic, firm in their resolve.

The problems of the Ummah did not appear overnight and they will not disappear overnight. But we, the mothers of the Ummah can set that change in motion…we must set that change in motion.

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