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The Magikjack What it Does and How it Does it

You might already be fully aware of a little contraption that allows you to make free calls and receive free calls right from your computer, called the magikJack. If you do not already know about the magikJack you might want to continue reading this article. Together, we will see just how great of a product the magicJack really is.

Let’s start off by explaining exactly what the magikJack is for those that do not completely understand it. The magikJack is a device that you are able to plug into your computer and make calls with your regular telephone. Basically, you only pay for service on a yearly basis and you can make all the local and long distance calls you want for that one yearly price.

So far, the magikJack seems to be a great device and should be in every home. Until you begin to search a little deeper and really look into the product. There are a few things that just seem strange to the average consumer. For example, since the magicJack device actually works directly from the computer it must slow the computer down at least a little. However, nothing like this is stated on the website.

The sound quality is supposed to be above that of devices that offer a similar Voip service, yet many customers have complained that the conversations fade out on occasion with the magikJack. This could simply be a problem with the computer and not the actual device. However, if you decide you want to contact customer service you need to do it only online. You can not call customer support to speak with someone to help you troubleshoot your magicJack. This throws up a red flag for many potential clients.

On a good note, the magikJack actually does what it claims to do. The magicJack allows you

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