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to the above example, only instead of imagining white protective energies surrounding you, you would imagine pink colored energy flowing through you and your body. Imagine a sense of love, peace, and harmony and that you DESERVE love, and love will find you.

Instead of tracing a pentacle, you would trace a heart in the air with your athame and then picture that energy as the same pinkish rose color. Step through the heart as you would the pentacle.

Again, these are just some example rituals you can perform. Rituals and spells when created by you are limitless in the possibilities you can do with them. These rituals will work and they are quite powerful when you put all your energies into it.

Cleansing Your Athame Knife

Cleansing your athame is quite simple and easy. The best way to cleanse your athame would be to light up some sage incense or even better, a sage smudge stick and then wave and turn over the blade several times through the smoke. Sage purifys and cleanses and is perfect for this task as your athame will not get damaged.

Another method would be to simply rinse your athame with some clean water. Get some bottled water, pour some onto a cloth, and then wipe down the blade and hilt as best you can. Be sure to dry it off when you are finished. Usually salt is mixed with water to cleanses other ritual tools however salt water can corrod and rust the blade and you do NOT want this. Keep salt away from your athame.

Resources and Information:

If you would like to view various different athames or if you would be interested in purchasing one, you may do so here:

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