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reputation. I suggest that you ask friends and relatives to recommend a good tarot reader if you know they have sought this kind of advice in the past.

If you would prefer to keep this to yourself, I suggest you visit the readers you are interested in and ask them a few questions about readings in order to get a good idea if they are someone you feel can help you.

2) The Question

Okay, so now you have found the reader (or gotten yourself in a position to read your own). The next step is forming a question to be asked. You should put a lot of consideration into this matter. You will want to ask something that will give you insight.

Do not ask questions that the tarot cannot answer such as ‘who will I marry’ or ‘how long will I live.

The tarot is not meant for such questions. It is meant to provide guidance about relationships and endeavours, so ask how best to accomplish what you want rather than IF you will accomplish it.

3) The Mood

The next component of a successful reading is your mind set. On the day of your reading, do some meditation or relaxation exercises to clear your head and put you into a calm state. You should not be agitated and out of sorts when you have your reading done.

When you handling the cards (shuffling or selecting the ones for the reading) you should calm yourself by closing your eyes and taking a couple of deep cleansing breaths. I suggest that you then pick up the deck and hold it and even shuffle the cards while being mindful of your question.

This is the time that you make the connection with the cards, so try to be as serene and centered as you can. I feel it

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Lotus Tarot card readings can show you a fresh perspective on your life.
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