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card and interpret its meaning within the context of the question you asked.

Congratulations! You’ve just completed your first tarot reading.

Method 2

The second method for interpreting cards is not as widely known. This method depends on using your intuition to divine the meaning of each card.

While both methods involve using intuition, intuition readers do not study keywords. They focus on having the illustrations and symbols in the cards guide them in developing meanings. As a result, there tends to be less uniformity in meanings across cards.

Step 1 in the Keyword Method discussed above is the basis for intuition readings.

This is a less structured way to learn to read tarot cards but it poses its own challenges as well. Beginners may get easily frustrated as their own intuition may not be developed enough to allow them to distinguish between the subtleties of 78 different cards.

Each reader’s relationship with the Tarot is different and their learning process will reflect that. For beginner’s, I recommend starting with the keyword method until a familiarity with each card has been established. At that point, I would urge tarot students to really focus on letting their intuition guide their readings.

After all, no two readers interpret tarot cards the same, regardless of their experience level. It is a very personal endeavor.

That’s the wonder of the Tarot!

Lisa Ray is the creator of several mystic software programs, including the Ultimate Tarot Trainer. Download her free psychic test software at now!

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