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becoming a journalist and make sure to expose all the deficiencies of the world. I wanted to contribute to a better world. I still want that but over the years my perspective has changed into the realization that the only true power I hold is inside of me.

The only power I have is to learn to control my own thoughts, actions and emotions and contribute to people around me from that inner place of love and oneness. From that place there will be right action and true change in my inner world as well as the outer world. We all are part of global consciousness and we do count. The morphogenetic field of consciousness is changing and evolving constantly. It brings in new souls, the next generation with a new level of consciousness and skills based on the work their ancestors have done.

I am not saying we shouldn’t change something in the outer world if we see need. The more conscious and aware we are the better the choices and actions we are able to take in our life. I just want to point out the necessity of starting within our own self and cleaning up our own act first because the outer world mirrors the inner world.

Challenging Times
In these challenging times with the economical meltdown, the old structures and paradigms not working anymore we have to find a new balance with “others” out there in the world as individuals as well as countries. There are plenty of challenging astrological constellations ahead of us and the Saturn square Pluto is one of them. Astrology helps us to understand the underlying theme and what is expected of us in the way of inner and outer growth. It gives us meaning and compassion for what is happening. Then you can do your part of contributing through your own

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