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of great value.

The years went by and I still wore my pearls when I dressed up. I admit that I sometimes thought about the strand my mother had left me and wondered if her friend ever wore them…though I never seriously entertained the idea of asking for them back. I knew they were appreciated and what was done was done.

Our children grew up, my husband passed and I became a Senior Citizen—not old, of course, but privileged and honored—which sounds a great deal better. My youngest son became a minister, then a therapist, and subsequently a lecturer before the e-world swallowed him up. Part of his work took him to other countries and one trip took him to the Island of Majorca in Spain. When he returned, he presented me with a gift, which was not his usual custom since travel for him was not a novelty.

I opened the black velvet bag. Deja vu. Inside was a string of perfectly matched, cultured pearls. I was stunned. He knew nothing of my “pearl experience” and yet, almost half a century later, the cherished son of the beautiful man I had married so many years before was drawn to add another chapter to my story.

Isn’t it possible that it wasn’t an accident? Isn’t it possible that the long-gone players in my little drama, his grandmother, his father, my mother and even her friend, all played a part in using my highly intuitive son to write a happy ending? Why not?

Luise Volta’s life has included careers in nursing, teaching pre-school, interior design, Real Estate sales, insurance adjusting, and dairy herd testing. Visit for Religion and Spirituality.

This fabulously smelling incense has an extensive history. And it has extraordinary properties!! You can purchase this incense, under the HEM brand, at my online Metaphysical Store called Sandie’s Psychic Stuff.

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