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Pagan History

Over time we have come across many history’s of different areas of paganism. We will endeavor to poste that information here to share with you our faithful readers.

The history of paganism comes to us down though the ages and it is often varied by what part of the world it is from. As many an open mind person knows history is the way we learn from both our past successes and mistakes. If you fail to remember history you are doomed to repeat many things over again.

Highlights from my Litha Ceremony 2010…Happy Summer Solstice. We celebrate the longest day of the year. Music: “People are Returning to the Ancient Ways” by Stygiana
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Question by I am You: Did you know Christians participate to this day in Ancient Sacrificial rites?
Another common Christian practice known as communion is pagan in origin.

The Communion Host
In my Church growing up it… Continue reading

Question by Anthony: Do you know of any easily downloaded celtic/pagan music without paying for it?
I’m getting bored with my old music that used to really channel me in a away I can’t explain. But I just want… Continue reading Eben Pagan’s Get Altitude Home Study Course. This is video 6 of 15. He is soft launching his Get Altitude Home Study Course. Here, Eben Pagan talks about vital statistics. Gain the edge over your competition now.

Had a… Continue reading

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