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mitzvah or Quinceanera, a charm bracelet can help mark the moment when a girl is becoming a young woman. If these occasions are not a part of your religious observances, consider holding a special tea or luncheon in your daughter’s honor and invite special women who model what you’d like your daughter to become. As a part of the occasion, have guests share wisdom from their own lives and present your daughter with her own charm bracelet – a symbol of her exciting future.

4. Engagements, Marriage, Motherhood

As she becomes the beautiful woman you’ve imagined for years, there are significant moments that are especially exciting. After all, this is why you worked so hard all those years – to see her become an independent adult. Whether it’s the announcement of her impending marriage, a bridal shower of even the special day, a charm bracelet from her family will be gift she’ll treasure always. When she enters into motherhood, a charm bracelet is the perfect gift to mark this momentous occasion. Include the birthstones of the father, mother and new baby. Present her with a new birthstone charm with the birth of each child. Hopefully, that will include granddaughters and you can look forward to starting the tradition all over again.

Lewis Jewelers is proud to carry the full line of Pandora Jewelry. Pandora charms, Pandora bracelets and Pandora beads are only a part of the collection. For more information, Lewis Jewelers, 2000 West Stadium Blvd., Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48103, 877-88-LEWIS or visit the website.

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