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Lipstick. Why is it Worn?

Lipstick. Why is it worn?


The assumption is that lipstick as with any other cosmetics is to make women and indeed on occasions for men throughout history, to become more desirable. To appear more alluring to the opposite number, and that such measures will assure acceptance, secure approval and eventually a shag. My wife has already wasted hundreds of pounds on the stuff, in that case. To her credit, she spends a lot of time on her appearance and ‘polishes’ up well. Only the other day she looked radiant when all signs of inexorable ageing had been skilfully concealed. She still makes my heart jump when I see her, hence the betablockers and hand held defribillator.


Men have worn lipstick in the past as fashion dictates, and for health. During King Charles reign and at the time of the aristocracy men would wear all kinds of blusher and long wigs. Why? Headlice, was rife amongst all people because they hadn’t invented insecticide shampoo, and as we all know, rampant parasites will destroy the good health of the scalp and hair loss and even cause death by anaemia. So long wigs and a rouge colour were used to hide a pallid and jaundiced complexion amongst the wealthy. Poor people always looked pale and drawn.


So, my research bears out that facial colour or a ruddy cheeked person is associated with a healthy person. Either way, make-up makes you look ‘healthier’. This is how the human population perpetuates. Make-up is essential for the world’s survival.


Lipstick is related to the human fascination and obsession with blood.


Jews sacrificed animals as part of their custom and

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