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to see a full layout of elements, and how to arrange them on your altar to heighten your connection to Magick – see the Home Academy to follow the exact steps. It also includes pictures of different altar setups and a video demonstration of setup and “consecration” of tools and other items on your altar. (This is a must to harmonize the energy within the tools with the energy of the altar and your sacred space)

Replace the markers you used to define the directions (North, South, East, and West) with white candles. In the DVDs you will also see how you can use colored candles that represent each of the elemental colors of the four directions. I like to place more candles around the border of the circle because I like to work my magic by candlelight.

Finally, repeat the purification ritual in the Home Academy for your altar and the circle. Then take a broom, or use your arm to clear out the space of the circle and push any negative or dark energy away.

Your first Witchcraft alter is born, congratulations! Now you can gradually increase it’s power to attract the Magick energies you will need in your spell work by adding meaningful objects to it. There are many specific examples of altar setups, and examples of objects that you can add. Above all, these objects must be a reflection of you. The more of “you” that goes into your altar, the more power you will be able to draw from it – and the more protection it will offer as you do your Magick.

Rose has been practicing different forms of Witchcraft for over 27 years. For more information on wiccan altars visit her site The Ask Rose Ariadne Witchcraft Site”

Listen people, this was an assignment for a class in high school we needed to learn about Wicca and make a ritual, it was not meant to be real and were sorry if it offended any true practitioner.
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