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societal revolution where unionized industrial workers are becoming a smaller and smaller percentage of our workforce each year.”

I challenge you to take advantage of the ability to learn from multi-millionaires, Craig Garcia and David Dubbs.  What I love about these guys is that they teach “true” business and hard work.  If you want a million dollar income, you have to think, be, and work like a millionaire.

The old model is not in operation anymore, Brian Tracy writes, “As recently as the 50s and 60s it was common to believe that you finished your schooling, got a job with a large company and stayed with that company for the rest of your life. This was based on the old paradigm of learning. In this old paradigm, life was divided into three parts. First were your “learning” years, during which you got your education, however extensive or limited. Then came your “earning” years. This was the period of time during which you worked for a living. After that came your “yearning” years. This was the period of retirement which would be paid for by Social Security, savings, and pensions.”

With the fragile economy and the tension on Corporate America, there has never been a better time to chase the digital age and multiple streams of income.  The key is application of knowledge.  I read an eBook that has rocked my world by Dave Sherwin called “Lighthouse Marketing”.  This book was the best dollars I spent because it opened my eyes to a strategu and a system for average guys like me to aquire leads off the internet.  This expounded on social networking and powerfule strategies that attracts hundreds into the prospect funnel.  Dave also explains the concept of “funded proposal” which will help you make

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