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those who forget. Alternatively, you could designate one table as a craft area, and provide scissors, coloured paper, string, glitter, feathers and fake jewels for guests to make their own masks. If you plan on inviting children to your gothic wedding, a make-your-own-mask table will be a hit!

A Horror Movie Night

For fans of horror and splatter films, a movie-themed Halloween wedding celebrates your “unique” interests. Hold the ceremony on the stage of a theatre. After dinner (corn dogs, pizza and popcorn) assemble on the stage for dancing. Project scenes from your favourite horror films on the backdrop, and scatter Halloween props throughout the tables and chairs.

Cemetery Picnic

Perfect for relaxed, gothic weddings held in the summer months, a small church wedding and cemetery picnic create a charming atmosphere. They’re also inexpensive without scrimping on class and ambience.

Many small local chapels have small cemeteries attached, and the chapel services for larger cemeteries are available for wedding hire. After your service, assemble amongst the graves for photographs, then unfold your picnic blankets and enjoy.

Perhaps one of these ideas appeals to you, or maybe you need to do more thinking about how to create your dream Halloween wedding. But once you have a solid wedding theme and style sorted, you can move onto the fun part of wedding planning – choosing the venue, décor, favours, decorations, flowers, cake and, of course, the beautiful wedding dress!

Are you planning a Gothic, Halloween, Steampunk, rockabilly or other alternative wedding? You’ve got fabulous ideas but no clue where to begin? The Halloween Wedding Ebook and Wedding Skulls Blog offer expert advice, inspiration, tips and products to make your alternative wedding a success!

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