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An Introduction to Spiritual Healing

The society that we live in today stands as a monument to the scientific and technological triumphs of the last century. There is no denying that this advancement of science has made our lives a great deal easier, longer and more comfortable and we wonder how previous generations had been able to survive. Somewhere down the line science replaced religion and philosophy as the main source of infinite knowledge.

In recent years society has begun to doubt the unlimited power of science and has realised that it is unable to provide all the answers to the fundamental questions of existence. A new spirituality has emerged from this understanding which has resulted in a gradual shift in attitude. The materialism and how powered competitiveness of much of the last twenty five years has given way to a slightly more relaxed, positive and intuitive mood.

This change in attitude has been most apparent in in peoples attitudes towards health. They are adopting a more holistic approach to health and acknowledging the importance of lifestyle, correct diet and regular exercise for the upkeep of a healthy body. At the same time people are starting to recognise and understand the importance of the state of their mental, spiritual and emotional well-being on their physical health.

In reality we have always known how strongly our emotions affect our spiritual being. We connect the idea of wellness with the idea of emotion when we say that we do not ‘feel well’ and when we do not know exactly what is wrong with us. It is in this atmosphere of enthusiasm for the holistic ideal that such concepts have been wisely accepted into our collective consciousness. This in turn has opened the way for alternative

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