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Spiritual Healing


Spiritual word is associated with god. Today is the time of science and technology and this new era of intelligence generally not believe in existence of god. Spirituality involves the acceptance of god beyond intelligence and with whom we have relationship. Healing the body requires a deeper healing of spirit, which is based on metaphysical principals.


Spiritual Healing is a natural energy therapy. It complements conventional medicine by treating the whole parts of the body of a person including mind, body and spirit. Healers act as a conduit for healing energy, sometimes this described as ‘love and light’ which relaxes the body. This technique includes other benefits and that are release of tension and stimulation of self-healing. The benefits of healing can be felt on many levels, not just the physical, and the effects can be profound.

How to develop spirituality?

Safety-whenever you develop a connection with god, you gain security through the conviction that you are not all alone in the universe, even at those times when you feel temporarily separated from other people. You will feel extreme security as you come to believe that there is a source you can always turn to in times of difficulty.

Self-confidence-As well as you will successful in making a relationship with God, you come to realize that he has created you and hence he has found something good in you. A different kind of confidence develops in you. You seem that you are a part of this universe.

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