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Question by myles325: Doesn’t that smug Yahoo Spell Checker make you see red!!?
I like to think that I write decent English. And when I do, it tells me “WHOA! It looks like you used a lot of punctuation”. How very dare you! Well, duh… I can’t help it, I learnt how to write before texting came in. We did punctuation at school instead of 10 pin bowling and Tarot Cards, so don’t WHOA! me. And no, I didn’t leave the Caps Lock on. I’m not a moron. And “duh” IS spelt like that. And I don’t want “tips” from a software program with the brain about a millionth that of a gnat. IMHO, it is worse than the grammar checker in MSWord, and ALMOST as bad as that damned wretched paper clip in MSOffice.

Best answer:

Answer by Shaggy
LOL yes…. hahaha.

Aaarrrggghhh…. It came again!!!


What do you think? Answer below!

5 Responses to Doesn’t that smug Yahoo Spell Checker make you see red!!?

  • Froggie says:

    Yep absolutely, its always coming up oops you have spelt something wrong or you have too much punctuation, I got that frustrated a couple of times that I went and looked up the dictionary and I was right, but they make you feel like you’re an idiot, I particularly hate the punctuation, I try to remember to do it but I just get fed up, its already telling me again how many misspellings I have grrrrrr, makes me crazy lol! 🙂

  • Spooky Lulu says:

    i definitely need it but i still use my wording wrong…oh well !!!

  • Irksome says:

    actually I feel very comfy with the whole “your spelling sucks” and “don’t you think you’re using too much punctuation”

    It’s like I’m back home with my mom!!!

    How else would I know that I’m such a moron if Yapoo doesn’t point it out for me?

  • fingmeow says:

    I don’t mind the spell checker so much (I wish more people would pay attention to it!), but that punctuation auto-nazi…!!! It doesn’t like emoticons or any punctuation inside of parenthesis (and I like to write parenthetically (quite a bit ;-)). Oh yeah, that caps auto-nazi REALLY PISSES ME OFF! I use all caps ONLY when I absolutely mean to.

  • Michael T says:

    I like it actually. Except when it tells me I’m using too much punctuation.

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