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Question by Due 08/10/10 With A BOY!: What could my dream mean if anything?
Okay so about a month ago I had a dream that I still can’t seem to shake.
I dreamed I was at my baby shower(I am currently almost 32 weeks pregnant) and I left the house I was in and went out into the woods. Where I walked for a bit till I came to a clearing and in the middle was a man. The only way I can think to describe him is to say he looked like a native american shaman or like I would picture one. After walking to the edge of the clearing he began to speak. He told me that my baby will be born a month early and will be a girl. (BTW I am having a boy) Then he vanished.
And I woke up.
Since then I can’t seem to get this dream out of my head.
Any idea about what it could mean?

Best answer:

Answer by dawn
i can be sure as im not there to feel the baby’s presence but you are going to have a girl and it will be born early so be ready.

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2 Responses to What could my dream mean if anything?

  • KK3221 says:

    I wouldn’t say that it will be a girl but a doctor can be wrong. It’s most likely that you are under stress about having your baby and have weird dreams.

    It is most likely nothing to worry about and i wouldn’t worry about it.

  • Lakota Dream says:

    Yeah, well first off, Native Americans don’t have shamans, there’s a clue.

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