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A curse to myself

I curse myself that I’ll envy my own kind,

I curse myself to be selfish ,

I curse myself that I will never let them be happy with their lives,

I curse myself that my ego will burn every pinch of wisdom that I have ,

I curse myself to believe that I am superior to others ,

I curse myself to cut my people’s share and aggregate mine wherever possible,

I curse myself to pollute our lives to an extent that it threatens my very existence ,

I curse myself to think ill and look down upon my people ,

I curse myself to create so many differences amongst us so that to make impenetrable boundaries between us,

I curse myself to cook my food only for myself and refuse to share it with the indigent,

I curse myself to create a world where wise people perish and the unwise prosper,

I curse myself to practice injustice to such an extent that my people are forced to snatch their share of justice from me,

I curse myself to make the truth so obscure that my people will never be able to distinguish the right from the wrong,

I curse myself to create a world full of smugglers and criminals and I curse my people to live in fear forever,

I curse myself to not being able to lead a free life ,

I curse myself to disconnect and lead a life of seclusion from my people ,

I curse myself to lead a life of depression, drugs and alcohol,

I curse myself to spill the blood of my brother with mere iron weapons,

I curse myself to perish because of the blood I’ve spilled, the tears that I provoked and the resentment I nurtured,

I curse myself to face the worst time anyone has faced ever.

I am a 22 year old guy studyin Information Technology Engineering(UG).

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