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Question by thejuggla: Do you agree that sex is sacred?
I’m guessing half the world has probably had sex just for a good time…kinda like a one night stand situation.

Best answer:

Answer by Vivi
yes I agree that sex is sacred. to have between two people. yes your guess is right, i have had one night stands for a good time.

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5 Responses to Q&A: Do you agree that sex is sacred?

  • : ) says:

    yes i do agree but not like u have to wait untill ur married just untill u love someone ( =

  • Kelley R says:

    I’m older, so yes sex is sacred. I have been faithful to my husband of over 15 years – no more one night stands for me!

  • Miss Momma says:

    Yes I would agree. How could you have sex with someone you didn’t love? I wouldn’t be able to look at myself the same if I had sex with someone only for a good time. I don’t believe in one night stands. If we’re not in love…we’re not making love. People throw themselves around as if their body means nothing to them. Your body should be your Temple.

  • Christine P says:

    I believe that sex should be sacred. I believe that people use sex for gratification when it should be something special and sacred shared between two people. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t condemn people who have casual relationships or even close relationships that involve sex, but sex with someone you truly love is deeper and more fulfilling than any one night stand could ever be.

  • Graywolf says:

    Yes, I do agree that sex is sacred. I consider it to be both Commitment and Communion. The “one night stand” has never interested me. Yes, there have been offers, but just not something I’m interested in .

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