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10 Most Popular Crystals For Healing

Crystal healing is an idea first popularized in the west in the 1930s. Most common crystals belong to the quartz family from Australia, Brazil and Arizona. They are inexpensive and can be purchased online or by ordering from health shops. There are many crystals with a unique set of healing abilities.

Alternative healing is one of the fastest growing sectors of the medical world. More and more people are turning to homeopathic remedies to heal themselves with zero chance of side effects. Here are 10 fantastic crystals to help you heal yourself.

1. Salt crystal rocks improve the quality of air by enriching it with negative ions. These ions are natural air ionizers and have several health benefits. Patients suffering from chronic congestive problems are treated using these crystals.

2. Rose quartz crystals have the ability of soothing and calming a person. The crystal encourages love for the patient and others. This crystal has a warm pink color and heals physical heart ailments and emotional heartbreaks. Hanging this crystal around your neck in times of sadness will boost natural healing.

3. Jade is a green healing crystal for the heart and kidney. Additionally, it offers mental and emotional balance to someone. The crystal teaches acceptance, carries calming and serene energy and helps one get less critical of others and self.

4. Methysts are bluish to purple crystals that aid in reducing occurrence of nightmares thus allowing one have a better sleep. They can also affect any blood sugar imbalance positively as well as assist in quelling and controlling anger.

5. Fluorite is a crystal that guards one against picking negative energies

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