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Ban the Burqa, the Hijab and the Niqab

There are many good reasons to ban the moving bed sheet attire, apparently so deeply coveted as status symbols by Muslim women. Even if one is dubious of Islam’s claim that its women really do like looking like unmade gliding beds, there are societal and cultural reaons why the Hijab should be banned. In short banning the Burqa, the Hijab and the Niqab would ban Islam’s direct and anti-social assualt on Western values.

Many girls are murdered across the Islamic world, some for the petty crime of not wanting to look like their parents unmade bed. Covering women up is not necessarily mandated in the Koran, but it stems from Arab culture and their misogynistic attitude towards the female. In Arab and Muslim culture the male rules, the female obeys, and the female is branded as a piece of property, a cow, a man’s dog, chattel to serve and please the man. This is one of the keystones of Arab and Islamic culture and of Islam supremacism. Islam is a male dominated cult.

But the Muslim fetish for bedsheet wear goes beyond even simple misogny. It is a direct assualt on the West. If you read Ed Hussein’s book on ‘Why i became an Islamist and left’ the former English Muslim makes it very clear that women wear the bed sheet dress to express superiority over Western values, and to assert their distinctiveness. They wear the Burqa [complete body covering including the hands], the Jilbab, [full body covering with the face open]; the Hijab [headscarf with the face left open], or the Niqab [full body covering with only the eyes visible]; as a statement of Islamic superiority. It is a conscious act of Muslim supremacism. Done to intimidate the West.

Should we put up with this?

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