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Question by D3m0nik P0ss3si0n: Chakra balancing, what’s the best method?
I’ve read of several methods, and I’d like to see what has worked best for those who have done this. Reading the details of unbalanced chakras, I’m almost positive mine are all screwed up. Over the last few days I’ve just been doing regular meditation and focusing on them, connecting with the same spirit I have been bonding with. She seems to be helping and guiding me through this, and has definitely helped improve my concentration during the process.

I’ve also read about balancing them by placing crystals of the appropriate color on each chakra point. Would that speed things up and fully open them more quickly? I don’t have them now, but I could pick some up at a metaphysical store in my area tomorrow or Tuesday.

I’ll consider any other methods as well, those two are just the ones I’m most familiar with.

Best answer:

Answer by NicholeMarie
Meditating often may work.

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2 Responses to Q&A: Chakra balancing, what’s the best method?

  • Merbear says:

    this is gonna be long…but I can’t think of a better way for you to try it without knowing the basis of info about chakras, so here we go…

    the first, or base, chakra is located at the base of the spine. It’s color is red, and it’s main functions are physical survival, stability, energy distribution and practicality. The base chakra is linked to the adrenal glands.

    the second chakra is situated in the lower abdomen below the navel. it’s color is orange, and it’s functions are creativity, feelings, sexual drive, pleasure and exploration. It is related to the gonads.(stop laughin…:P)

    the third chakra is located at the solar plexus(just below the ribs) It’s color is yellow and it is associated with the pancreas and spleen. This chakra identifies and assists in the sense of identity self-confidence and personal power.

    the fourth chakra is located at the center of the chest and associated with the heart and thymus gland. It’s color is green and the heart chakra deals with relationships, personal development, direction and sharing.

    the fifth chakra is located at the throat by the thyroid glands. It’s color is blue and it’s concerns are with all kinds of communication, personal expression and the flow of information.

    the sixth chakra (often called the third eye) is in the center of the brow. It’s color is indigo and it is linked to the pineal or pituitary glands. It is concerned with understanding, perception, knowledge, and mental organization.

    the seventh chakra is located just above the top of the head, linked to the pineal and pituitary glands as well. It’s color is violet, and it maintains overall balance of the chakra systems and channels universal life energy into the system. It maintains a sense of wholeness and stimulates fine levels of perception, intuition and inspiration.

    now that you know that, what you need to do is meditate. Once you are calm and relaxed into your mediation, imagine each chakra appearing as the appropriate colored light at the areas indicated. Imagine them glowing and swirling, opening and their light suffusing your body.

    There is no quick way to do this really, it is all about focus and relaxation. Once you have that, you should be able to cleanse and balance your chakras within 30 min or so, but it does take practice. Another way to balance your chakras would be to do the same meditation I mentioned, and then imagine a cascade of white light joining an infusing the swirls of color making them brilliantly bright. Imagine the light cleansing any spots or discolorations and then close each chakra pulling energy into yourself as needed.

  • JYOTIRMOY says:

    Hello dear,
    I had read your previous question in which you asked about whether the help you are taking from the one you mentioned is correct or wrong.
    Well i didn’t want to comment on that point, so i did not reply.
    (However i would say that having a Guardian is very necessary while continuing our spiritual path.
    It is utmost important while choosing a master of the highest level , this is because you can start in this journey , but the concern is to which level you will be taken by the guardian you have chosen.)
    Well about Chakra you can do this by a very good tool,
    this is by visualizing your chakra, each of the chakra is associated by specific color.
    I have used this method , this is being mentioned in our Scriptures in India on books about Kundalini Yoga.
    However there is a nice video in Youtube , you can watch this. I liked this video and this is helpful.
    So This is very helpful.
    This can also be done by music therapy,
    each chakra is associated with a sound. this may be available in certain music stores.
    I think in some teachings of OSHO you find related to Chakras,
    Try to see if you hae any osho commune in your place.
    Best thing you can do is listen to this you tube video.
    Let me know if you have any doubts after this.


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