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encourages you to go within and find your truth. The Hermit may indicate that your focus on your relationship will need to shift. This is not the time to make your relationship a priority. You would be better served by allowing yourself the freedom to do some soul searching. Although there may be some loneliness, the ultimate goal would be a transformative experience. After a period of introspection, you may be willing to work things out with your partner. A new perspective and sense of purpose can add valuable information for both you and your partner.

Death Tarot Card Meanings in a Love Tarot Reading

Death is not an ending, but rather is a part of a larger cycle. Although Death is often associated with something that is destructive, it really is an opportunity for something much greater. Death plants the seeds for the growth of tomorrow. Death is an act of generosity as it cleanses and purges the remnants of our old lives.

Traditionally, Death is the card of transformation. It signifies the commencement of profound change. In a Tarot reading, the Death card indicates that another life cycle has ended and a new cycle has begun. It can refer to the completion of important life stages or relationships. However, it often symbolizes metamorphosis. It is the rebirth of one’s psyche. Old beliefs and ideas are discarded for new ones. In essence, it is a metaphorical death, not a literal one. In a tarot reading, Death refers to a transformation that occurs at one’s deepest core.

One common association to the Death Tarot card is the dissipation of a romantic relationship. This is particularly true for relationships that have come to a standstill. This is not always the case. Death is a

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